Conservatives, Do Not Make An Idol of Candace Owens
I worry about the growing idolization of Candace Owens. It might drive her to seek revenge rather than revelation.
Transgender Day of Visibility Proves The Politics Are Always On
Transgender Day of Visibility should be a lesson for all Christians or anyone who opposes the left's anti-religious nonsense that apathy is the enemy of God. The politics are always on.
American Culture's Childish Denial of Time
Popular culture and society at large encourage us to deny the reality of getting older. And there is a long list of music executives, corporations, politicians, and scientists to capitalize from a childish liberal culture.
Candace Owens v. The Daily Wire: A Political Realignment
The Daily Wire separating from Candace Owens is a microcosm of the old liberal regime's repudiation of the conservative populist movement. The pristine narrative of "classical" liberalism has been fractured, much like the Republican narrative was destroyed in the 19th century.
Let's Give Liberal Women Some Credit. Not All of Them Are Libtards
For all the things Liberalism gets wrong and how often liberals are wrong about a variety of issues, sometimes they get it right. Contrary to popular conservative memes, all liberal women are not overweight, purple-haired, nose-ring-wearing, screaming lunatic libtards.
Pritzker Is Clearly Lying, But Why?
Pritzker knows he's lying. His supporters in the media know he's lying. Most Illinoisans know he's lying. But as I mentioned earlier, spotting the lie is only half of the battle. Why is he lying? How does he benefit from the lie?
Lack of Accountability Has Everyone Pointing Fingers
In a practice as old as time, blaming someone else is easier and more ego-gratifying than accepting blame yourself. When no one takes responsibility, everyone suffers.
What If The GOP Were Trying To Recruit Muslims? So What?
There is a list of insults I could probably hurl at Jen Psaki, but I will compliment her instead. She is smart and a talented orator. I just question her fashion choices. Next time she cast the Democrats' sins onto Republicans, she should wear a brown collared shirt.
Black Queans Are Not Strong Enough to Hold The Crown
"Whoever is new to power is always harsh." This is precisely why many modern black women are lashing out. Their newly-acquired power is being challenged.
SVB and Signature Bank Collapse: Let Losers Lose
Winners win. Losers lose. Such an easy concept to understand, but for some reason, hard to implement in practice.