What If The GOP Were Trying To Recruit Muslims? So What?

If Joseph Goebbels were living today, he'd be impressed with America's propaganda machine.

Goebbels was Adolf Hitler's propaganda czar and right-hand man during the Nazi Party's rule of Germany during the early to mid-1900s. Contrary to popular belief, the Nazis did not take power by brute force. Instead, they lulled the population into political indolence using clever propaganda campaigns via films and entertainment.

Joseph Goebbels is often credited with saying, "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty." It is a tried-and-true strategy today's politicians use often. Very often. Democrats point the finger at the fervency of Trump's supporters when very few Obama voters criticize the 44th President. Heck, I know several Obama supporters who believe the only scandal during his presidency was the tan suit. Democrats bellyache about George Santos lying his way into office. So did Lyndon B. Johnson.

Then comes former Biden administration Press Secretary Jen Psaki. On her MSNBC show Inside with Jen Psaki, she accuses Republicans of implementing a modern-day version of the Southern Strategy.

"The GOP is trying to recruit Muslim Americans, a community that makes up less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, against another tiny marginalized group of Americans – transgender people."

The Southern Strategy refers to an alleged political campaign spearheaded by President Richard Nixon and other Republicans during the 1960s and 70s. It involved appealing to white voters in the southern states by exploiting racial tensions and opposition to civil rights to gain their support and secure electoral victories. This plan supposedly caused a "flip" in the electorate, with Democrat voters dominating the Northern states and Republican voters taking the South.

It's a lie. Liberals and conservatives have debunked it, including Vanderbilt University political science professor Carol Swain and University of Virginia political science professor Gerard Alexander. But that lie has become the cornerstone of the Dem's racial propaganda. To them, it justifies everything from affirmative action to reparations.

If I had to put some money on it, I would bet the GOP is not trying to recruit an electorate of anti-rainbow flag Muslims. Most of these Republicans are too stupid and tepid to do anything that smart.

But let's assume that they were. Let's imagine Mitch McConnell and the power players at the RNC are trying to build a voting bloc of Muslims. Is that such a bad idea? Democrats have catered to specific demographics for over a century with pretty good results.

Democrats once catered to racist white Southerners. It spawned the creation of the Ku Klux Klan, one of the most notorious political mobs in American history. They have been catering to black voters for decades. Dems get over 95% of the black vote every election cycle. In return, blacks get a pat on the head, a belly rub, a bottle of Hennessey, and a bullshit holiday.

In 2013, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer sponsored the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act. Politico, a liberal-leaning news and opinion site, published an article championing how this bill would help the Democrats: "The immigration proposal pending in Congress would transform the nation's political landscape for a generation or more β€” pumping as many as 11 million new Hispanic voters into the electorate a decade from now in ways that, if current trends hold, would produce an electoral bonanza for Democrats and cripple Republican prospects in many states they now win easily."

The Schumer-sponsored bill was a rehash of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Better known as the Hart-Celler Act, named after Senator Philip Hart (D-MI) and Representative Emanuel Celler (D-NY), the bill allowed an influx of Europeans into the country. The wink-nod agreement was Democrats allowed the immigrants into America and put them on a path to citizenship in exchange for their vote.

Amazing how history repeats itself over and over again. 

Democrats are playing this propagandistic finger-pointing game for one reason: their identity politics strategy is backfiring. Dems thought they had the Muslim vote under lock and key. They smeared Republicans as Islamophobic after 9/11 and have taken the majority of their votes since. That tide is turning with Dems pushing the Alphabet Mob agenda down everyone's throats. Muslim culture inherently leans conservative and fosters a protective environment for children. Pushing for legislation that allows eight-year-old kids to chop off their genitals without parental consent is not going to go over well with Muslim Americans. Calling the killing of babies in the womb "reproductive healthcare" has turned many Muslim Americans away from Democrats.

If Republicans were smart (remember, many are stupid and tepid), they would wield the Democrats' identity politics strategy against them. Appeal to each voter bloc better than the Dems do. It has nothing to do with this ism or that phobia. It is a sound political strategy.

For the record, I mostly oppose identity politics. The only demographic blocs that should exist are believers and non-believers. But that is a pipe dream in the fallen world we live in.

There is a list of insults I could probably hurl at Jen Psaki, but I will compliment her instead. She is smart and a talented orator. I just question her fashion choices. Next time she cast the Democrats' sins onto Republicans, she should wear a brown collared shirt.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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