Top "Globalist" Andrew Tate Is Another Modern Day Serpent

Since the beginning of time, the serpent has succeeded in deceiving the world. It started in the Garden of Eden. Today, social media has become the Garden with "Top G" Andrew Tate playing the serpent's role, deceiving his followers into a globalist agenda.

Globalism, a strategy to place the entire planet under one political and cultural sphere of influence, has become very popular despite its disastrous outcomes for ninety-nine percent of the population. Globalism benefits the very few at the expense of the many. Middle and working-class people trade freedom, individual rights and religious autonomy for the materialistic and cultural trends of the moment.

There is no shortage of influencers willing to sell globalism for personal gain. Nor a lack of clever tactics used to deceive. Barack and Michelle Obama sell globalism by peddling myths like systemic racism and the gender wage gap. Elon Musk uses technology and the promise of free speech. Andrew Tate uses masculinity and the perversion of The Bible.

Emory Andrew Tate III, who also goes by the alias Cobra Tate, leveraged his kickboxing fame into social media stardom. He started an online program called Hustler's University with the mission to change lives. The website lists 41 tenets he claims to live by that are laced with biblical teachings.

Tenet 21 reads, "I believe that men have the sacred duty to rigorously train themselves both physically and mentally every day." The inspiration comes from 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, "Don't you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own. For you were bought at a price. So glorify God with your body."

Tenet 38, "I reserve the right to choose my company and include only those whom I believe are best for my health, happiness and success" sounds similar to 2 Corinthians 6:14, "Do not be yoked together with those who do not believe."

Each tenet is accompanied by a picture of Tate wearing designer clothes, smoking cigars, flying in private jets and indulging in the materialistic spoils of the world.

People will sometimes tell you who they are but will always show you. Tate has shown us who he is: a man willing to leverage and manipulate anything he can for money, fame and freedom from persecution. Tate has told us he is a hustler. When you are a hustler, every action becomes centered around money. He's told us he's a snake. He admits to using his Ph.D. (Pimping Hoes Degree) to ensnare women. He's shown he is willing to use The Bible to sell a gaudy materialist lifestyle.

Tate proudly boasts that he is a "Top G." What does "G" stand for? Gangster? Goon? Free Mason? Maybe it's globalist. Only a man willing to mislead young men and seduce young women just so he can acquire more money to buy more shiny stuff and jet set around the globe to escape prosecution sounds like a globalist elite to me. Leading impressionable men towards seeking riches instead of righteousness is just as heinous as seducing broken women. Both lead straight to Sheol. Before you accuse me of being a soft woman sympathizer, remember that seduction used to be considered a sin far worse than rape. Seduction invades a woman physically and spiritually. It used to be a jailable offense. Some of humanity's worst killers were also eloquent seducers.

The global agenda cannot operate with God in the equation. Righteous men and chaste women thwart the globalist's plans. They seek to be right with God over a gold Rolex. Women will cherish wanting to be a wife and a mother more than being Andrew Tate's bottom bitch. 

In that vein, Tate is more dangerous than Yuval Harari and the pseudo-intellectuals at the globalist headquarters, the World Economic Forum. You remember Harari. He's the guy who said there are too many people, and the world needs more drugs and video games to occupy them. However, Harari has little cache with young people on social media. It’s the opposite for Tate. He currently has over 7.4 million followers on Twitter. He proudly extols about being the most Googled man on Earth.

In the ongoing saga surrounding Tate, a factor working in his favor is the attention he's receiving from influential figures manipulating a corrupted legal system and a morally bankrupt culture, dubbed "The Matrix." During a recent interview with Candace Owens, he likens himself to Donald Trump, implying that the lopsided courtroom battles only enhance his popularity. This alone should not automatically catapult him, or Donald Trump, into the realm of celebration. Metaphorically aligning himself with Trump is a sneaky but clever tactic to garner public sympathy while continuing to conflate his situation's legal and moral implications. The rape and human trafficking charges levied against him in Romania could be bogus. Given how viciously Tate is being attacked while letting known human trafficking offenders go unscathed, they probably are bogus. But, we must refrain from hailing him as a hero based solely on that hypocrisy.

Beyond Tate's chiseled physique and his NFL locker room bravado lies a well-articulated social conservative. However, conservatives must combat the low cultural self-esteem we often fall victim to. We must be cautious not to blindly embrace any celebrity who espouses center-right beliefs. Tate wields influence usually reserved for Presidents, Prime Ministers and The Pope. As responsible cultural critics, however, we must challenge his morals and motivations, recognizing the need to hold him accountable.

Tate identifies as a libertarian. But his definition of the term does not mean valuing individual freedom as the utmost priority in political, social, and moral realms. His idea of libertarianism means he wants to be able to do what he wants, to whom he wants, and not face any repercussions. That only benefits Tate and other immoral globalist elites.

Andrew Tate appears as wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove. Buyer beware. You are buying into the globalist agenda.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos

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