Thanks To BLM, Black Women Have Lost Their Souls In America

We are suckers for a catchy slogan, especially if it can successfully appeal our vanity. Gillette’s slogan “The best a man can get” brilliantly massages the male ego. L’Oreal’s “Because We’re Worth It” taps into the female psychological need for beauty and social acceptance. What woman does not want to feel like they are worth it? The women behind BLM have created a slogan that uniquely appeals to the vanity of so many Black Americans. The slogan “Black Lives Matter” has successfully convinced Black Americans that we are victims yearning for White people’s sympathy, thus emboldening us to act irrationally. As the BLM machine continues to produce chaos and disorder, Black women have lost their way.

Jemele Hill, who once upon a time was a respected sports journalist and is now a paid racial mercenary, is becoming the very person who she demonizes. In a now-infamous tweet she stated:


For years, she has accused President Trump of being bigoted and racist. Her tweet is the textbook definition of bigotry and racism. She is chin-deep in the grape Kool-Aid that Democrats sell to the Black community: we have to support the blue political party because of our skin color. Nearly everything that emanates from Hill’s Twitter account is race-related or Trump-bashing. Jemele has seemingly lost her soul in the bright lights of race-baiting fame. She has also lost sight of what she was really good at doing: offering commentary about sports. The days of SportsCenter 6 seem so long ago.

Flip the script to the other end, Bevelyn Beatty has become an overnight sensation. As of this writing, the 29-year-old Black woman has defaced 3 Black Lives Matter murals in the New York area. Surely you have heard the cliche “misery loves company”. Well, madness loves company as well. All of the insanity the Lunacy Leftists have brought about seemingly begets further insanity. Beatty breathes life into the “mad Black woman” stereotype while slapping her religious beliefs in the face. In a photo of her being detained by police officers, she is wearing a black shirt with white letters reading “Jesus Matters”. Are these the actions of a Christian woman? Doesn’t Christianity teach civility, peace, understanding, and love? Unfortunately to some, there may not be any room for Christian teachings as socialism and Marxist ideology brazenly spreads across the nation. Beatty is a microcosm of BLM breaking down the religious framework in America and some are losing their souls in the fight.

Somewhere in between Jemele Hill’s bigotry and Bevelyn Beatty’s rage is the suicide attempt of Tamar Braxton. The Black singer, songwriter, and reality television star attempted to take her own life last week. While she is responsive and talking to doctors, she will need a further mental evaluation.

While data correlating between suicides and the COVID-19 pandemic still needs to be investigated, it is reasonable to suggest that the pandemic has caused a spike in suicide attempts. Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death among 35 to 54-year-olds. The mid-life crisis age range is typically 45-64 years old. Braxton is 43. Black women committed suicide at the lowest rate among women of all ethnicities, but they are the most likely to attempt suicide. One hypothesis by Monnica Williams, a clinical psychologist at the University of Louisville, suggests that constantly watching traumatic racial incidents can lead to PTSD-like symptoms. Social media has been flooded with these sorts of videos. While only close friends and family members know what truly triggered Braxton’s suicide attempt, one can hypothetically conclude that all of those factors may have played a role. There are many other Black women in similar positions that no one is talking about.

In the midst of so-called “justice” for Black people, it is Black women who are losing their way, and their lives, in the process.

Vincent Williams

Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, Hip-Hop enthusiast and lover of all things mint.

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