A Mass Shooting And A Protest Shows How The Political Left Only Cares About Dead Black People

Living, breathing black folks are of no use to America's liberal elite.

Nobody gave a damn about fentanyl connoisseur George Floyd until his Derek Chauvin-assisted death.

Nobody knew who Rayshard Brooks was until an Atlanta police officer (lawfully) shot and killed him.

Democrats and the establishment liberal elites have been using the bodies of dead blacks to advance their political agenda for decades.

An eventful weekend put a few things into perspective for me. 

I attended a pro-abortion rally in downtown Chicago with a couple of friends, K. Cartoon and Rx Phonics, who host the Hanging With Apes podcast. It was a picturesque Saturday afternoon. Sunny, little cloud cover, low 80s. There was a decent turnout with roughly 80 people in attendance, including the police. K. Cartoon mentioned the size of the protest was nowhere near the size of prior protests he has attended. This possibly signifies that abortion is not a significant issue for most voters or that people would rather spend their weekends doing leisure activities. Not protesting.

As the pro-abortion advocates yelled and spewed obscenities from behind the steel barricades, it was jarring to notice how white the crowd was. A few black and brown people were sprinkled in, but it was overwhelmingly white, rabid liberals. The anti-abortion group was smaller in numbers but, by percentages, more racially diverse. There was a black woman, Hispanics, and a few women of European descent.

One of the pro-lifers, a shorter Hispanic named Julio, had a discussion on the microphone with a white pro-choice woman. I did not hear the question Julio asked her, but she responded with, "I should have the right to get an abortion! What if I get raped by a black guy? I don't want no fucking black baby!!"

This woman is racist. No other way to describe it. First off, she implies that if she is raped by a white guy, she will keep the baby. But because the rapist is black, she wants the right to abort the child. Second, she assumes blacks commit more rapes, which is false. Whites are the perpetrators of over half the nation's rape crimes.

The white woman's exclamation is not surprising. Dead blacks are way more useful to white liberals.

According to CDC data, abortions kill more blacks than guns, drugs, HIV, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer combined. A black child is safer in the streets of Chicago than in their mother's womb. Therefore, one cannot call themself "pro-black" and be in favor of abortion. One cannot call themself a Christian and support abortion. Abortion defies Christianity.

Nearly 80% of blacks self-identify as disciples of Christianity, the religion Alice Bailey wanted to eliminate. Bailey, born in England in 1880, was a writer and Theosophical teacher. Theosophy is an occultist religion that started as a revolt against the predominant Christianity religion in the early 19th century. 

Russian immigrant Helena Blavatsky is credited as its founder. She believed there was a secret brotherhood of spiritual beings in Tebet called the Masters. They believe in a "divine Absolute". Through selective breeding and forced sterilization practices (abortions), people deemed "unfit to reproduce" would be phased out of society. "Unfit to reproduce" were non-believers, criminals, the mentally ill, low IQ people, and the physically impaired. This would leave a superior class of human beings to push humanity forward. Put another way, Blavatsky and, subsequentially, Alice Bailey believed in eugenics.

Eugenics was a cornerstone philosophy behind the creation of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League, later named Planned Parenthood. Sanger wrote a letter in 1939 to Clarence Gamble, doctor and heir to the Proctor & Gamble fortune, looking for support for her program's outreach to the black community. She wrote, "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr fell for the grift at one point. His niece, Dr. Alveda King, who is a strong pro-life advocate, said in 2007, "[Planned Parenthood] plant their killing centers in minority neighborhoods and prey upon women who think they have no hope. The great irony is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of."

Sanger was heavily influenced by the teachings of Thomas Malthus. This English scholar believed that population growth should run linear with the supply of resources available to prevent poverty, crime, and illness. In his famous 1798 work An Essay on the Principle of Population, he writes, "All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room is made for them by the deaths of grown persons….We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality."

This is the epitome of elitist thinking. It eventually ran along racial lines. Sanger often targeted poor black neighborhoods to set up her ABCL clinics. One of the notable clinics built was in Harlem in 1930. She employed high-profile black pastors with engaging personalities to help spread her message.

Bill Gates subscribes to the eugenic theory as well. In a TED Talk about eliminating carbon emissions, Gates openly addresses his global philosophy of eugenics: "Today, the world has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we can lower that by perhaps 10 to 15%." You read that correctly. If you don't believe me, go to the 3:50 mark of the video. Also, take note of how many black and brown people are on the screen when he says this.

Abortion is a centuries-old depopulation plan instituted by the elites. They cloak their agenda in racial garbs. One of the leaders in black news commentary, Huffington Post, owned by Verizon Media Group, ran a piece titled, "Don't Let Samuel Alito Fool You: Ending Abortion Isn't About Protecting Black Life." Nathalie Baptiste argues that keeping blacks from having abortions is "a paternalistic argument that simultaneously victimizes and blames Black people for committing a moral crime. It's not the first time conservatives have trotted this argument out, and it won't be the last." Baptiste and other useful black idiots are so brainwashed with CRT ideology they do not see the bigotry behind the abortion movement.

Speaking of protecting black lives, looser gun laws serve that interest. Many laws in the 1800s restricted blacks from firearm ownership. Despite the Second Amendment, states like Maryland and Tennessee denied blacks their god-given right to arm themselves. Florida even encouraged white citizen patrols to "enter into all Negro houses and suspected places" and "lawfully seize and take away all such arms, weapons, and ammunition."

At Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York, the shooter wrote in his manifesto he specifically chose that neighborhood because of the predominantly-black demographics and gun ownership was heavily regulated. As a result, the people could not defend themselves.

Since 2020, mass shootings in black communities have been on the rise.

It is not a coincidence that many of the cities on the list are in states with very restrictive gun laws. Illinois makes it challenging for law-abiding gun owners. No surprise, Chicago is the country's most dangerous city, where a person is shot every 3 hours and fatally shot every 14 hours. Criminals and deviants do not care to obey laws. The laws only serve to restrict the people they are intended to protect.

Far too many black Americans have an anti-white mindset. Whatever the white conservative is doing, they will do the opposite. We see this in views on gun control versus gun rights. According to Pew Research, 61% of whites prioritize gun rights over gun control. In near-direct opposition, 60% of blacks prefer stricter gun laws over gun rights.

The ruling class does not want an armed 99%. An armed citizenry cannot be controlled as easily. In Australia, gun ownership is minimal. All owners must have a valid reason for wanting to carry, and it cannot be self-defense. During the height of the pandemic, the Australian government limited citizens from even interacting with one another. Some were even thrown in jail for failing to adhere to the authoritarian dictates. Gun ownership dropped 23% from 1996 to 2006. Limiting social interactions would be much more challenging in a country with more people owning and using guns.

The political left and ruling-class elitists are trying to forcefully push their globalist agenda. All on the backs of dead black people.

Vincent Williams

Christian, Founder and Chief Editor of Critic at Extra Large, an American, former radio personality, former Music Director, likes mint-flavored Oreos


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